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Fine Infusions Tea



Regular price $13.00 AUD
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Earl Grey Blues is a premium blend of pure Ceylon black tea and natural bergamot. Classic, aromatic & fragrant. Full-bodied and refreshing.

EARL GREY BLUES Brewing instructions

Amount 1 ½ tsp (3g) per cup (250ml)
Temp 95°C – 100°C
Brew 2 – 4 minutes
Infusions 2 
Tasting Refreshing citrus bergamot
Info Serve Earl Grey Blues with a slice of lemon or honey, to compliment the bergamot
Brew without milk or a splash of milk
Best brewed with spring or filtered water
Keep your tea stored airtight in a cool, dry & dark environment Contains Caffeine
Ingredients Pure Black Tea, Natural Bergamot, Organic Orange Peel, Blue Cornflowers, Calendula Petals
Hand-blended using imported ingredients | Packed in Australia


Our unique blend of premium Ceylon black tea and natural bergamot offers a fragrant, full-bodied and refreshing beverage. Earl Grey Blues is accompanied by delicate flecks of blue cornflowers, soothing calendula petals and orange peel, enhancing the citrus element.

Earl Grey tea is classicly known as black tea, scented with aromatic bergamot. It is available in various strengths and varieties throughout the world.

The story goes, that is was originally named after the British Prime Minister in 1830’s and 2nd Earl Grey, Charles Grey. There are many tales surrounding the emergence of Earl Grey tea and the exact version is uncertain. It makes for some interesting reading.

While varying stories do exist, the Grey family’s version claims that a Chinese-mandarin blender created and gifted the Earl Grey tea blend, for the Earl and his wife, to neutralise the lime flavour in the water at their home in Northumberland, England.

Believed to have been Lady Grey’s tea of choice when serving and entertaining guests, it gained popularity among the elite, eventually reaching the public.

Earl Grey Tea was originally blended using a quality Chinese black tea, expanding to the use Indian and Sri Lankan black teas, as its popularity grew in other countries.

To truly appreciate the aromatic flavour of this Fine Infusions tea, we suggest brewing without milk.

It is traditionally served with a slice of lemon or a drop of honey. However, it is also enjoyed with an added splash of milk.

If you like your tea with milk a bit stronger, you can add a couple of minutes to the recommended brewing time.

Earl Grey Blues is best brewed using our Fine Tea Infuser for enhanced flavour.

Product labels printed by Black Rainbow using benign press chemicals & solar
power in production – Preserving our Environment

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